Discovering beautiful gardens in the local area.
Welcome to our latest instalment of beautiful gardens. We are so glad to be back! Spring is in the air and gardens across Bedfordshire are simply blooming! In April we were kindly invited to visit Richard Marriott’s delightful garden in Clifton.

Richard, who penned this month’s ‘Yellow Fever’ article, has a love for daffodils, and has the skills and dedication to grow some amazing specimens, which he enters into shows and competitions.

Richard states, “I really like Daffodils for the variety of shape colour and form. There are so many colour variants and I just love producing a flower that is smooth and distinct in form and poise.”
Next month, we talk to Richard in more depth about his beautiful garden and the shows that he enters.

If you would like to feature your garden in LivingLife Magazine then please do get in touch.