If you are like us, then you have probably got loads of old jeans hanging around your home that you no longer wear. Maybe they don’t fit or are ripped, whatever the case, we have discovered an awesome way to up-cycle them.
Spotted during magazine delivery, we are talking about ‘Denim Planters’ and we know you will be keen to whip up some of your own at home.

These planters will add a real comical touch to your garden, and we guarantee they will put a smile on the face of neighbours and visitors. You can place them on a bench, pop them in a corner, position them on a balcony or even put them indoors.
The great news is that they are super easy to create, just follow our simple instructions below:
1. Find an old pair of shoes - old hiking boots or work boots work best.
2. Half fill the boots with gravel - helps keep them in position.
3. Grab an old pair of jeans and cable tie the end of each leg.
4. Add 4 inches of gravel into each leg - this will weigh each leg down into the boots.
5. Fill the rest of the legs up to crotch level with a suitable lightweight packing material, e.g. wood chippings, old plastic bags, foam or polystyrene packaging, whatever you can get your hands on really - recycling is always best.
6. Insert a large plastic plant-pot into the waist / torso area – the top of the plant pot should be just below the top of the jeans. Alternatively, you could use two smaller plant pots and cut them at the sides so that they meet/overlap to create a larger space that you can manipulate to ‘fill’ the jeans.
7. Fill the plant-pots with soil or compost and add your chosen plants or flowers.
8. Position the finished planters in a highly visible place to achieve maximum comedy effect!
If you fancy joining in with this fantastic craze and decide to create your own denim planters then we would love to see a picture of them, simply submit them at the link below and we will get them published in future editions of the magazine.